How to leave New York residency [Guide + FAQ]

How to leave New York residency [Guide + FAQ]

New York is an iconic city, but its tax burden is heavy.

Living and tax obligations are costly. For frequent travelers, digital nomads, and those looking to leave the city, the tax system can be notoriously hard to break away from. Breaking the tax residency bond isn't just about moving away; it's about navigating the domicile and statutory residency tests.

This guide helps you master the nuances of tax residency and your journey toward tax savings.

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Choosing your destination: a home base for global living

In the life of a digital nomad, home is everywhere yet nowhere. Establishing a state domicile is nonetheless a requirement for a US citizen. That being the case, many nomads choose to plant their flag in places like Florida or South Dakota, states without an income tax, while their hearts and feet wander across continents.

With remote work and nomadism on the rise, strategically choosing your domicile can free you from state income tax while you travel the world.

By planning your trips carefully and staying under the 183-day annual limit, you can explore different countries and not be tethered to any state's tax system.

Strategic disentanglement: the pre-departure checklist

Transitioning from New York to nomadic life is a surgical operation. It entails a blend of timing, choosing your new home base, and meticulous planning.

✔️ Timing your departure 

Exit New York at year’s end to curtail your tax presence. This move should coincide with the tax calendar to reduce obligations in your departure year. If you stay in New York until April, you must pay New York state income tax until April. That said, changing your domicile on January 1 is a red flag – not many people are moving on New Year’s Day.

✔️ Selecting a new domicile

If your nomadic path leads abroad, you may prefer states close to your new country for convenience. After all, it’s always nice to blend fiscal practicality with lifestyle convenience. For example, if you spend most of your time in Europe, there is a big difference between Florida and Washington (around 6 hours), even though neither has a state income tax.

✔️ Assessing ties to New York

Catalog what anchors you to New York: property, businesses, community ties. These are the threads you'll need to sever or untangle.

✔️ Planning your move 

Transition domiciles very thoughtfully. Draft a timeline for a gradual shift from New York to your new state.

✔️ Consulting with experts

Expert advice is crucial. Tax professionals and lawyers can help with residency criteria and the intricacies of New York’s exit tax. For example, the deciding factor in one famous residency case was the date on which the dog’s veterinarian was changed from a NYC vet to a Florida vet. 

Florida Residency information

Leaving New York state residency (in 12 easy steps)

Steps to leave New York residency

Changing your New York State residency involves several calculated steps to ensure a clear-cut transition.

1) Establish new residency

Secure a residential address in the new state. If you buy a home, you may want to look into available property tax credits, like Florida’s homestead exemption. You may want to consider filing a Declaration of Domicile with the state, as suggested in Savvy Nomad’s domicile guides.

SavvyNomad provides residential addresses in Florida, which can be a valuable service for individuals who need an official address while transitioning to a new domicile. This is especially useful for digital nomads or expats looking for tax benefits in a state like Florida.
South Dakota vs Florida vs Texas vs Nevada vs Wyoming domiciles

2) Relocate your belongings 

Move any valuable possessions out of New York and document the process. Receipts and records are key proof of your relocation efforts. Always remember that the burden of proving when New York was no longer your residence for tax purposes will be on you.

3) Spend time in your new state 

The more time you spend in your new state, the better. While many nomads drop in just long enough to get their driver’s license, the more time you can truly make your new domicile home, the easier it will be to show that New York is no longer your home.

4) Transfer IDs and registrations 

Promptly update your driver's license and vehicle registration.

5) Register to vote 

Voter registration in your new state.

6) Integrate into the community 

Engage in local activities and memberships, and establish relationships with professionals (doctors, dentists, lawyers, financial advisers) in your new locale to solidify your residency status.

7) Update documents

Ensure that all identification, medical, insurance and financial documents reflect your new address.

8) Notify your employer

Inform the IRS of your new address using Form 8822. Extend this notification to all personal and professional entities.

9) Notify IRS 

Inform the IRS of your address change using Form 8822. Extend this notification to all personal and professional entities.

10) Keep records

Document all relocation actions diligently.

11) Acknowledge key factors 

New York considers multiple factors for domicile status, including home, time spent in each location, business ties, location of valuables, and family location. Make sure you feel confident of as many of these as you can.

12) Anticipate an audit

Be audit-ready with comprehensive proof of your move’s permanence.

Ticking these boxes methodically sets you on a clear path away from New York residency and toward a new home that supports your nomadic ambitions.

South Dakota Residency information

As you leave New York, itstax implications are part of your journey. Understanding New York's 'Statutory Resident' rules and the management of New York-source income is crucial for a hassle-free financial shift.

The statutory resident rule

The statutory resident rule is pivotal for those with a home in New York who spend more than183 days in the state. Even if you are domiciled elsewhere, you may face full resident taxes.

Part-year residency and tax filing

The first year you leave, you’ll likely file as a part-year resident, paying taxes on all income earned while residing in New York and only on New York-source income thereafter. A tax professional can help you determine which, if any, of your income streams are “New York-sourced.” 

Handling New York-source income

New York taxes income from business activities or property within the state, even after you move. This includes income from entities like S corporations that are located in New York.

The “Teddy Bear” test

Another unique way that New York determines domicile is through the location of sentimental belongings. Where you keep items of personal importance can influence the state’s perception of your true home base.

Strategic considerations

Post-move, it's strategic to limit your time in New York, especially if you still own or rent property in New York. If the property is owned, renting it out can evidence a shift from personal use to an investment, indicating a genuine change in residency.

Post-Move challenges: navigating the aftershocks

Transitioning to a new state residency is not without its potential reverberations. Being prepared for these is key to navigating the post-move landscape smoothly.

Prepping for the possibility of a residency audit

In the event of an audit, be ready with:

  • Precise logs of your locations throughout the year, backed by supporting documents.
  • Document your move, including contracts with movers (if available) and evidence of establishing utility service at your new residence and ending utility services at your former residence.
  • Proof of the relocation of personal and valuable items.
  • Verify new ties in your destination state, like property ownership and local involvement.

To bolster your case:

  • Maintain thorough and detailed records of your presence in and out of New York.
  • A proactive and detailed approach to documentation and establishing ties in your new state is your best defense against the complexities of a residency audit and the challenges that follow a move.
  • Assemble proof of your new domicile status through updated voter and vehicle registrations and housing deeds or leases.
  • Update financial records to reflect your new home state, including the transition of bank accounts.
  • Transition away from New York-based services, favoring professionals (including doctors and dentists) in your new state, and keep records of these changes.
Get Started


What triggers a NY residency audit?

New York residency audits can be triggered by high income, a change in domicile or statutory residency, or many people moving out of the state. Residence audits often launch with a questionnaire arriving in the mail requesting proof of your address​.

Does New York use the 183-day rule?

Yes, New York does use the 183-day rule to determine residency for tax purposes. According to the 183-day rule, individuals are considered residents of a state if they spend 183 days or more in the state during a three-year period, including the current and two previous tax years.

What is NYC’s residency test?

The New York City residency test uses two main criteria: the Domicile Test and the Statutory Residency Test. Under the Domicile Test, an individual is considered a New York City resident for tax purposes if they are domiciled in New York City or maintain a permanent place of abode there and spend more than 183 days there. 

The Statutory Residency Test, on the other hand, deems an individual a resident if they maintain a permanent place of abode in the city for substantially all of the year and spend more than 183 days in New York City.

Why are New Yorkers leaving?

New Yorkers might choose to leave the city for a variety of economic, lifestyle, and personal reasons.

Here's a consolidated list:

  1. High Taxation: The high tax rates in New York City and New York State, including income, property, and sales taxes, can be a significant factor, especially for those in higher income brackets and businesses looking for a more favorable tax climate.
  2. Cost of Living: New York City's high cost of living, including expenses for housing, food, utilities, and transportation, can be prohibitive for many.
  3. Housing Market: The competitive and expensive housing market makes it difficult for individuals and families to find affordable living spaces, pushing them to look elsewhere.
  4. Quality of Life Issues: Some residents find the city's dense population, noise, pollution, and fast-paced lifestyle challenging and prefer a quieter or different living environment.
  5. Employment Opportunities: Despite the city's vast job market, the competitive nature of job opportunities and the possibility of better prospects or a lower cost of living elsewhere can motivate a move.
  6. Remote Work: The rise of remote work options has given people the flexibility to live outside of New York City, allowing a search for places with more space and a lower cost of living while maintaining their current jobs.
  7. Safety Concerns: Perceptions of safety and actual crime rates in certain areas can influence decisions to move, especially among families looking for a safer environment.
  8. Seeking a Different Lifestyle: Individuals may leave New York City in search of a different pace of life, including quieter suburban areas, access to nature, or regions with a different climate.
  9. Retirement: Retirees often look for more affordable, peaceful places to live where their retirement savings can go further, prompting moves out of the city.
  10. Family Reasons: Personal reasons, such as being closer to family or starting a family in a place perceived as more conducive to raising children, can also be a deciding factor.
  11. Space and Comfort: The desire for more living space, both indoors and outdoors, can lead people to leave the crowded city for suburban or rural areas.

Do I have to file an NY state tax return as a nonresident?

Nonresidents must file a New York state tax return if they receive income from New York sources during the tax year.

A NY state tax return is necessary if you have New York-sourced income and your New York adjusted gross income exceeds your New York standard deduction, or if you wish to claim a refund of New York taxes withheld​. Additionally, claiming nonresident status requires caution if you maintain a second home in New York​.

Can you leave residency and come back?

Leaving New York residency and returning involves documenting your break from residency via a tax return, specifically Form IT-203, as a part-year resident.

The state considers several factors to determine residency, including domicile status, maintaining a permanent place of abode, and presence in the state for more than 183 days.

To reestablish residency, you must demonstrate a permanent move back to New York, considering factors like the location of your home, family, business, time spent, and where you keep important possessions​.

Do you have to pay NY taxes if you live out of state?

If you live out of state but have income from New York sources, such as services performed in New York, rent from real estate, or the sale or transfer of real estate located in New York, you are still required to pay New York state taxes on that income.

This necessitates filing a New York state tax return even if you are a nonresident​. Nonresidents who work for New York City may need to file a special form (NYC-1127) if they are employees of the city but live outside the five boroughs.

Moreover, employers outside of New York who withhold New York state taxes for the convenience of the employee are subject to New York's withholding tax requirements​.

What is the difference between a New York resident and a part-time resident?

A New York State resident for tax purposes is someone whose domicile is in New York or someone who maintains a permanent place of abode in New York and spends 184 days or more there during the tax year.

A part-year resident, however, is someone who moves to or from New York during the year and, therefore, meets the criteria for being a resident or nonresident for only part of the year. Essentially, the difference lies in the duration and permanence of their stay and where they consider their permanent home to be.

How does the IRS verify primary residence?

The IRS verifies primary residence status by looking for evidence of where you live during most of the year.

This can be a house, co-op, apartment, houseboat, mobile home, or trailer with a fixed address. Your primary residence is where you spend the majority of your time, receive mail, and have government IDs registered. Factors can include where you work, where you vote, where you bank, where you pay utilities, and where your children attend school.

Additionally, your primary residence is where you're likely to get tax benefits such as mortgage interest deductions and capital gains tax exclusions on the sale of the home​.

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended only for the general knowledge of its readers and does not constitute legal advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to consult knowledgeable legal counsel who can advise them based on their personal circumstances before making any irreversible decisions concerning their residency or domicile.